Youth Of America
YOA is a youth focused Bible study group. Members should be at least in grade six. . The group meets at the home of Haley Casper.
Food Outreach
We hold our monthly food outreach on the third Sunday of each month. Registration will begin at 1:00 p.m. and end at 1:30 p.m. (Food will be sorted based on those registered). At 1:30 p.m. an optional service will begin, and at 2:00 p.m. food will begin to be distributed.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us for an intimate time of worship with hymns, carols, readings and special music—all by candlelight. We will have a time of fellowship afterwards.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
In our songs, Scripture reading, and time of reflection as we light the fourth candle, we will focus on the Magi and their gifts for the Saviour. To prepare, in your quiet time or family devotions, read Psalm 72:10,11 and Matthew 2:1-12.
Third Sunday of Advent
In our songs, Scripture reading, and time of reflection as we light the third candle, we will focus on the messengers of the Saviour’s birth: the angels and the shepherds. To prepare, in your quiet time or family devotions, read Romans 12:16; Luke 2:8-20; and 1 Peter 1:10-12.
Second Sunday of Advent
In our songs, Scripture reading, and time of reflection as we light the second candle, we will focus on the Saviour’s birth. To prepare, in your quiet time or family devotions, read Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:1-7; and John 1:1,14.
First Sunday of Advent
In our songs, Scripture reading, and time of reflection as we light the first candle, we will focus on the prophecies of the Saviour’s birth. To prepare, in your quiet time or family devotions, read Isaiah 9:2,7; Jeremiah 33:14-16; and Galatians 4:4,5.
Fall Vintage Dance
Join us for a time of family fun at the Fall Vintage Dance. Each family should bring a finger food and dessert to share.
Reformation Day 2021
Come learn about Martin Luther & some of the other Reformers… and why a Reformation was needed at all!
As in years past, there will be games on the lawn, candy, prizes, hot chocolate and popcorn. Oh, and candy. Children may certainly come in costume! Admission is free.
Family Game Night
We will have a family game night in the GCC cafe. Bring your favorite games and a snack to share.
Operation Christmas Child
It is time to be thinking about getting our boxes ready for Operation Christmas Child. The date listed is our drop-off week this year. Boxes to be filled are available in the foyer!
Vintage Dance
A time for families to gather and enjoy vintage dances. Each family should bring a finger food and dessert to share.
Ladies' Movie Night
The ladies are welcome to gather in the sanctuary to watch a movie together. Bring your own snacks if desired.
Book Club
The book club meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Between meetings we will read a book and report on it when we meet again--we will each read a different book with a Christian spiritual focus. Meetings will be at 7:00 in the church library. Although your book choice may be one of your own, we encourage use of the church library. If you would like to join us, please see Les Plymale or Noel Bowling.
Vintage Christmas Dance
Each family should bring a main dish and your favorite Christmas cookies to share. If you would like, you can bring copies of your cookie recipe to share. And, apparently, there will be vintage dances.