By your words you will be vindicated…
Matthew 12:36-37
“But I tell you that every worthless word that they speak, people will give an account for it on the day of judgment! For by your words you will be vindicated, and by your words you will be condemned.”
The tongue (the words we say and the words we write) is a powerful force. Today we hear a lot of words being spoken. These words can energize or invigorate us or they can depress us or even kill us inside.
As followers of Jesus Christ I would suggest the words said or penned should honor and glorify who Jesus is and represent His Kingdom well. Jesus, who is equal to God and has all the right in the universe to speak His mind said, “for I did not speak My own initiative … .”(John 12:49). Jesus, who is equal to God, did not count Himself as equal to God (Philippians 2:6). Yet, we often speak, or type, as if we are the voice of God. Church, I would caution us to be very careful.
The Bible teaches us where there are many words sin is unavoidable (Proverbs 10:19). This verse goes on to say, “but he who restrains his lips is wise.” This leads me back to my opening verse, Matthew 12:36-37. I want you to reread that passage and think of the weight of what Jesus is saying. We will give an account for every ἀργὸν word. ἀργὸν is translated: worthless in the LEB, careless in the ESV/NASB/HSB, empty in the NIV, and idle in the KJV/YLT. The idea is that when we do not speak with thoughtfulness and intentionality, filtered through the Kingdom of Jesus, we may have a lot of explaining to do. However, beyond having a lot of explaining to do, our very words will condemn us according to verse 37. I know that there is a lot to talk about with all that is going on. I know we may get frustrated and tired of what we see, hear and experience. I know that we are in times that many of us have never faced before. There are a lot of people doing and saying things that seem wrong and in many cases are really wrong. I want you to know that God is not slack (2 Peter 3:9). He will bring judgment and He will take His people. Peter is teaching us in verse nine that God is patiently waiting so that more souls may come to repentance.
In this time, while we see sin running rampant, please do not join the condemned by the words you say or type. Please do not add idle or careless words to your account. The temptation is to meet people where they are at, but we who are called by Jesus’ name are called to live as He lives. We are to decrease and He is to increase. Jesus did not come to speak His own words. I implore you to speak words of value. Words that are eternal. Words that will not last one season. Words that have eternal purposes and will last forever. Please do not get caught up in nonsense and name calling. As Christians we are to live for higher purposes. I want to close on one more verse and I would ask that you read and meditate on this verse before you speak.
James 1:19-20
“This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”